Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Some Call-Answer of my own

That was a very interesting video.... It made me think of the good old days for some reason. This is the best and most complete version of this that I have found online. One of my long time favorites. I don't understand half (probably more than that) of the video, but it reminds me of better times.

I would like to take an opportunity to share a text message that Mr. Swank sent to me. I was so taken by surprise, I have yet to write him back. In fact, I don't think any response that I could ever conjure would do the feelings I have inside justice. The messages go a little something like this:

Me: Thanks dawg.
Mr. S: Sure thang. How's it going? A friend broke my ankle yesterday :( so I'm in discomfort, but playing games all day.
Me: For serious? How did that happen?
Mr. S: He must dream about being a pro wrestler, 'cos he threw me over his shoulders, dropped me, and then dropped on me. My leg was bent funny, so it snapped.

And that is where it stopped. There I was, in FedEx, just starring at my phone. I felt like real life had left. And there I was, standing in this not real life, starring at a not real message. But no matter how many times I look at it, the real message never shows up. So, there you have it.

I guess, in summary, if anything is to be learned, don't be a douchebag seems about right.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, better times indeed. I remember a night you, Chris K., I believe Steve, and I went to the Mall of America, and I picked up KMFDM's Xtort; that night we went back to my place to chill, but I pulled kind of a dick move (not intentionally, only out of excitement) and retreated to my room to listen to the album on headphones, ha!

    But yeah, having a broken ankle sucks. Thankfully it was the fibula (small bone) that busted, so hopefully within a week I can put weight on my foot and won't have to rely on these crutches.

    I've been playing a lot of Crash Bandicoot. Reminded me of playing it at your place, when I had the N64 and you had the PSX. Good way to experience both gaming worlds at the time. I then wanted to get Gex: Enter the Gecko as we played that a lot around the same time, but it's not on PlayStation Network yet. :( The first and third games are, so the second one's bound to show up eventually.
