Thursday, November 25, 2010


So far my posts have been reactions to what Ricky posts. Well, maybe next time things will be different, but for now, here's a pretty funny video about a white, business-suit rapper trying to advertise his show, and nobody caring:

If you're familiar with Die Antwoord, this is one of Waddy Jones'/Ninja's former projects. If you're not familiar with Die Antwoord, well, they're pretty funny, and make some pretty cool music with good beats 'n' stuff. Look 'em up on YooToob.

Relatedly, I found out that Jones looks strikingly similar to Ryu Hayabusa from the opening cinematic to the arcade game Ninja Gaiden.

Compare the eyes from the left pic to the middle, and the facial structure of the right to the middle. It's uncanny. The dude really is a ninja!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

This guy is Awesome

This guy is Awesome far beyond what should be allowed by the universe. He has several videos, and I recommend checking them all out.

This is another one of his videos. I think this one really put him on the map. One of my favorites.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Raping your childhood further

Here's something you never thought you'd see the cartoon TMNT doing*:

*(Although in the original comics by Mirage Studios, they were more violent than what the Mainstream Turtles portrayed—particularly in the Bodycount miniseries by TMNT co-creator Kevin Eastman and his pal, Simon Bisley, where the violence and gore are turned up to maximum levels.)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

A New Bunny - Uncensored

This Blog

This blog is the brain child of 2 wonderful people, Chris and myself (Ricky). There is a ton of stuff on the internet. This is a place for our favorites. You may not like some of them, and our tastes aren't always what most people would call "usual." But we like it, and hope you can find things you enjoy here as well.
