Friday, December 24, 2010

Have a Turtley Awesome Krizmaz!

Thought I might save this for tomorrow, but figured I'll get it out of the way now instead.

Below you will see the 1994 Ninja Turtles Christmas special, We Wish You a Turtle Christmas (in three parts). It's awful, and I love it. I recently bought the tape, but will be unable to enjoy it due to my brother's VCR not being here at the moment. Poo. :(

But I hope you enjoy!

Merry Christmas, folks (if more than Rick and I read this blog).

Merry Christmas Eve

I don't have a Christmas themed commercial, but I do have something that fits the theme. My wife showed me this one, and it really gets stuck in your head if you can stand to watch the whole thing. I catch myself singing it occasionally, and I've only seen it once.

Here is my favorite commercial ever. For your viewing pleasure. Oddly enough, semi-music themed as well! =D

Merry Christmas everyone!!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Best commercial

Truly the greatest commercial I've ever seen. (Though there's a close contender, which will be saved for a future post.)

This was directed by one of my favorite filmmakers, Shinya Tsukamoto, and features music by one of my favorite bands, Nine Inch Nails. The latter needs no introduction nor explanation, but let me tell you a bit about Tsukamoto.

He's crazy. He's insanely gifted. He did this little black and white independent film in the late '80s called Tetsuo: The Iron Man. It's my favorite of his films, and one of my absolute favorite movies ever. Go see it. It's available to watch on YouTube.

The MTV Japan advert above was done in the same hyperkinetic weird-out style as the first Tetsuo film. Wild stop-motion, body horror, clangy sounds, all with a strong punk/cyberpunk attitude. Tetsuo, this commercial, and the short film Denchu Kozo no boken (which translates to The Adventure of the Young Electricity Pole Priest or something absurd like that, and can be viewed on YouTube—I recommend it) are the only films of Tsukamoto's, to my knowledge, which are done in this style—though other films, like Sogo "Dragon" Ishii's superb(ly noisy) Electric Dragon 80000V (trailer) capture the same kind of look and feel as these.

Right. Buncha shaznat nobody else really cares about, but at least I get to pour my heart out.

Also, whether or not Rick posts between then and now, I'll probably make a holiday-themed post on Christmas Eve or Day, possibly breaking the "Ricky-Chris-Ricky-Chris-Ricky-Chris" post sequence we've got going on. But it's Christmas! Something must be posted! So here's to hoping Ricky posts a Christmas-themed somethingorother before I post my garbage crapola.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Old Gregg

The Holidays always make me think of this. Every Christmas I get a bottle of Baileys. And when I think of Baileys, I think of Old Gregg. =D

Now you get to as well. "This one is as close as you can get to Baileys without getting your eyes wet." I laugh every time.

Also, because they are trying to get the "funk," I think it holds true (a little, by a long stretch) to the theme of music....? No, it really doesn't. But don't say I didn't try.

For good measure, here is a song I've been listening to a lot lately:

I don't know if there is a video for this song or not, but I do love it.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Dance, dammit, dance!

Music is the theme here, so here's a cool little Italo-disco number wif da smoovest dance moovs ya ever did see.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Some Call-Answer of my own

That was a very interesting video.... It made me think of the good old days for some reason. This is the best and most complete version of this that I have found online. One of my long time favorites. I don't understand half (probably more than that) of the video, but it reminds me of better times.

I would like to take an opportunity to share a text message that Mr. Swank sent to me. I was so taken by surprise, I have yet to write him back. In fact, I don't think any response that I could ever conjure would do the feelings I have inside justice. The messages go a little something like this:

Me: Thanks dawg.
Mr. S: Sure thang. How's it going? A friend broke my ankle yesterday :( so I'm in discomfort, but playing games all day.
Me: For serious? How did that happen?
Mr. S: He must dream about being a pro wrestler, 'cos he threw me over his shoulders, dropped me, and then dropped on me. My leg was bent funny, so it snapped.

And that is where it stopped. There I was, in FedEx, just starring at my phone. I felt like real life had left. And there I was, standing in this not real life, starring at a not real message. But no matter how many times I look at it, the real message never shows up. So, there you have it.

I guess, in summary, if anything is to be learned, don't be a douchebag seems about right.

Friday, December 3, 2010

More call–answer

Yet again, I watch the video Rick posts, and it reminds me of something. No problem there. Though why my brain thought to cull up this, I don't know, but it's pretty awesome.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

A new favorite

Not a lot of time friends, just a new favorite of mine. For obvious reasons.

Thursday, November 25, 2010


So far my posts have been reactions to what Ricky posts. Well, maybe next time things will be different, but for now, here's a pretty funny video about a white, business-suit rapper trying to advertise his show, and nobody caring:

If you're familiar with Die Antwoord, this is one of Waddy Jones'/Ninja's former projects. If you're not familiar with Die Antwoord, well, they're pretty funny, and make some pretty cool music with good beats 'n' stuff. Look 'em up on YooToob.

Relatedly, I found out that Jones looks strikingly similar to Ryu Hayabusa from the opening cinematic to the arcade game Ninja Gaiden.

Compare the eyes from the left pic to the middle, and the facial structure of the right to the middle. It's uncanny. The dude really is a ninja!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

This guy is Awesome

This guy is Awesome far beyond what should be allowed by the universe. He has several videos, and I recommend checking them all out.

This is another one of his videos. I think this one really put him on the map. One of my favorites.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Raping your childhood further

Here's something you never thought you'd see the cartoon TMNT doing*:

*(Although in the original comics by Mirage Studios, they were more violent than what the Mainstream Turtles portrayed—particularly in the Bodycount miniseries by TMNT co-creator Kevin Eastman and his pal, Simon Bisley, where the violence and gore are turned up to maximum levels.)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

A New Bunny - Uncensored

This Blog

This blog is the brain child of 2 wonderful people, Chris and myself (Ricky). There is a ton of stuff on the internet. This is a place for our favorites. You may not like some of them, and our tastes aren't always what most people would call "usual." But we like it, and hope you can find things you enjoy here as well.
